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Living in Right Relationship

Living in right relationship.
When you hear that phrase, where in your body does that register?
Does an image come to mind?
Does a feeling swell in your chest?
Does a smell waft into your consciousness?
As we walked through the tall thicket of bright crisp green, a chicken pecked and scrapped the dirt with its claws, a marbled tabby cat followed our every step.
*deep inhale*
We stopped in our tracks and turned slowly in a circle observing and feeling the land around us.
Wood turning to soil. Radishes peeking through the dirt. Bees fluttering from one plant to another. The sun filtering rays through a patch quilt of clouds.
*deep exhale*
In that moment living in right relationship coursed through my veins. My eyes shifted to Kelley, head tilted towards the sun and then to the kids running behind a big beautiful black dog… I sensed that living in right relationship was coursing through their veins too.
A sense of deep gratitude washed over me.
with love,

We are in the midst of change, of chosen shifts to live in a more sustainable way. It is teaching us, inviting us, and reminding us. We want to live in better harmony with the earth. We are ready to work in collaboration with the earth to cultivate community-oriented sufficiency. We are creating new practices to reduce the amount of waste we create. We are imagining a life that includes land stewardship, being in collaborative relationship with the ecosystem around us, and inviting others to join us for rest, care, and play.

Each day we are being given the opportunity to investigate if the patterns, practices, and ways we use our energy are bringing us into right relationship, or pulling us into resistance, devaluing, and overconsumption. Being intentional and led with curiosity we are investing in media that expands our knowledge and provides varying perspectives on the options available to us. Each day we are committing time to read, watch and discuss things like plants, growing food, harvesting energy, and natural history.

To make our lives on this planet sustainable, for generations to come, we are deeply questioning how we can heal our patterns, talk authentically with others about the process and invite others to do the same. Some things we are learning more about in the process:

  • the ongoing climate emergency

  • sustainable building practices

  • agroforestry

  • water harvesting

  • birds, plants, trees, and flowers growing locally


What does living in right relationship mean to you?

How can you begin to cultivate right relationship in this moment?

What are the obstacles in the way of right relationship?

Resources to explore right relationship in your own experience:



Do you have resources that you are checking out that help you investigate the relationship you have with the world around you?

Consider Supporting our efforts via PATREON!

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We hope 2024 has greeted you with ease, nourishment, and sweetness. May this be your / our most liberated, love-filled, aligned year yet! Thank you for your continued support, presence, and connection

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