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What is The Unshackled Alchemy Land Project? 

The Unshackled Alchemy Land Project (UALP) is a Black, Queer, Trans & Femme led community collective committed to the exploration of what liberation for all through food sovereignty can be in the present and what unlearning/learning new ways of interconnected relationship can be. We also seek to provide accessible safe space for Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous, People of Color (QTBIPOC) community to rest, restore, and expand. Through the acquiring of land the collective will create an off-grid, sustainable, food-abundant, unlearning, and learning respite for community and themselves.


This project is grounded in the following liberatory collective commitments:


● Agency to cultivate a cooperative and regenerative relationship with the land that provides the physical nourishment to thrive with access to clean water, locally grown foods and herbal medicines.

● Access to safe, affirming and restorative natural spaces in which we can rest, create, heal and be.

● Connection to safe, affirming community space where curiosity, openness and authenticity are valued so we may learn, collaborate, create, and play together.

● Space to operate outside of capitalist transactional structures and eliminate scarcity, hoarding and individualism so we can make life more accessible, ethical and sustainable.

● Collective Care through intentional non-hierarchical collaboration, community land stewardship, and shared decision-making that centers humanity and our healing relationship with the land and our non-human family.


UALP Vision: 

The vision for the Unshackled Alchemy Land Project is to create a community sanctuary for all, with an emphasis on QTBIPOC community, that will facilitate deeper connection and healing between the community and the land. To amplify this vision, UALP will grow food, offer learning and healing community programming, be in collaboration with and support the work of other liberatory land stewards in the North East, such as Soul Fire Farm and Mumbet’s Freedom Farm. We do not have to wait for others to choose right relationship with humanity and to reclaim the liberation that is our birthright.


The community collective will be able to:

  • Co-learn how to heal soil, grow food, harvest water, and build structures at little to no cost

  • Engage in unlearning / decolonizing educational programming about land healing / being healed by the land, identity, community sufficiency, radical imagination, and liberation at little to no cost

  • Volunteer at the land 

  • Explore regenerative ways of growing food and replenishing the land

  • Access food grown on the land at little to no cost


The Unshackled Alchemy Land Project will support other land stewards through:

  • Growing food to donate to the local community and local food sovereignty projects 

  • Providing respite space and unlearning/learning space

  • Skill-sharing and resource sharing when feasible


Through this land project, the space will also be created to envision what a community-reliant sustainable life - free from many of the current oppressive systems (capitalism, racism, patriarchy, heterosexism) - can look and feel like on community-oriented terms.

Your Support: 

In creating this space, these offerings and this community we are holding the vision that we can do this work without dependance on the non-profit industrial complex. We are trusting that the spaces we intend to manifest can be supported by other folks, who value and understand the importance of these spaces. 

If we are fortunate to be supported by you, it will be a substantial step in bringing this vision further to fruition. In choosing to support Unshackled Alchemy, you help us move forward with our goal to acquire land which requires a significant financial investment. As we consider options that will offer the most ease and alignment with our mission we envision securing what is needed on the land without the use of traditional financial systems. At this time we have a goal of raising $300,000. These funds would be used for land cultivation and building of structures. Your donations would support this goal - please consider donating to our Unshackled Alchemy GoFund Me


Ways to Support Unshackled Alchemy: 


  • Sharing the mission of our work with others


  • Financially supporting our work with a donation. You can donate towards our work via PayPal , CashApp, or Venmo. If donating in a different way is preferred, please reach out to us to discuss other options


  • Recommending our work to funders with the capacity to give outside of the non-profit industrial complex


  • Contributing items needed for the land project. Find that list HERE


We seek to embody the universal truth that we are all interconnected/interdependent – every being/natural system works towards the health, vitality, and well-being of itself and all things in relation to it.


Now is the time, more than ever, to remember this truth and strive towards collective thriving, abundance, and balance.

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